Report with Confidence

Build Trust

Use Data for Impact

Since 2005, Canadian companies have been standardizing how community and social investment is valued and reported.

The approach continues to evolve as companies find new, and deeper, opportunities for impact.

Trusted data enhances relationships. Trusted data increases appreciation of commitment to community.

You can be part of a network of companies committed to building trust in their data on the value of their social and community investments.

The LBG Canada community has worked together since 2005.

Every year, companies innovate in how they invest to achieve community & business impact. With innovation comes important questions on how the value of investment is to be reported. The LBG Canada Network has developed a clear set of principles, guiding an annual process to assess what is eligible for reporting as Community Investment.

Companies joining the Network experience the benefit of certainty on what to report and how to report it. In addition, they experience a professional community seeking to maximize impact and ensure results are reported to the highest standard.


The Companies